Updated work

At WellMed Medical Management, a part of Optum, I got the opportunity to be part of implementing a new digital strategy, which included running social for not only WellMed, but USMD and Healthcare Associates of Texas (HCAT). It also included a new look and feel to our feeds. Here are the Instagram feeds before vs. after our new strategy.

Before new strategy
After new strategy

At Vaxxinity, Inc. I created content for an extremely specialized area and was able to translate detailed science into digestible content. I worked closely with a content team to create campaigns and worked with them to transform video content into social posts.

Here is some work I did at Vaxxinity, Inc.

This is the Instagram story highlights I created for the brand.

A seamless carousel I created.

A regular carousel I created.

2022 Update

Over the past year, I have gained much experience. I got the opportunity to not only do social media, but I wrote blogs and other things such as copy for newsletters and emails. I also held three accounts as an account manager working on the client facing side.

Here are some work examples I have gathered from the past year.



I am currently seeking a job in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. I am seeking a job in the Advertising/Public Relations field. My resume is attached here.

My Cover Letter is attached here.

To read more about my past experience, please enjoy the posts below.

Thank you!

Internship Blog Post

Hi! My name is Payge Martin, I am a senior Advertising/Public Relations major at Abilene Christian University. Welcome to my website!

I completed an internship this past summer at an agency called Primitive Social in Lubbock, TX. I got the opportunity to work with the Digital/Social team, which was a great experience. Social media has always been something that I am interested in and passionate about. I want to help others grow their brand.

Since then, I have had more experience. I am currently in the process of completing two internships, one at an agency called Jemully Media in Abilene, TX. The other at the Abilene Regional Airport. I also got the opportunity to be a Big Break intern at Mitchell in Fayetteville, AR.

All of these have lead me to great things, and I am looking forward to see where God leads me after graduation.

I’m back/Life Update

Hello everyone,

I am so so sorry I have not posted in literally 9 months. I honestly got so busy BUT so much has happened since I last wrote. As I said in my last blog (which no one probably remembers because I posted it 9 months ago), but I was thinking about changing my major, which i did. I changed it to business management, which has been rough but I’m pushing through. It is so much different than journalism (obviously), but I didn’t think it would be this hard. I have finals coming up and I literally need to make like a 200 on them all. Okay not really, but I do need to do well on them all.

Okay enough about that. I also went through pledging this semester, so that was a very busy time. I did find a club/sorority (idk anymore they call them clubs here but sorority is so much easier to say) that is for me. I am so glad I found the place for me!

Also, I really will try hard to post more blogs but it’s just super busy, but hopefully with the break coming up I will be able to write more! Sorry this was so short but I gotta study  aka cry. Have a great day and good luck to everyone taking finals!!



As you can tell by the title of this blog, I am a pro at procrastinating. :’) I’m actually procrastinating right now because I have a project due at 11:59 tonight and I have not started because I cannot get the software on my laptop so I have to use the laptops in the library and the library doesn’t open till 2. Also, I have another project thing tonight at 7 so this will be a fun day. I am actually excited for this week because it’s spring break next week!!!!! Thank goodness. I am so ready to go home and not have to do any adulating or homework (lol I will probably still have homework hahaha). I hope this week won’t be too stressful since spring break is coming and hopefully the professors won’t drown us in work since everyone won’t want to do the work. 🙂

I have 2 advising meetings this week to see if I want to change my major. I am excited and I hope it helps me make up my mind. I just feel like I’m always stressed out about something..oh wait, because I am. Anyway, SPRING BREAK.

I’m going to continue procrastinating now. I hope everyone has a great week!! Push through it!!

OH YEAH. Also, I ran 2 miles the other day which is good for me since I have not ran that far in a long time. Maybe next blog will be about working out hahaha (maybe).

Proverbs 16:3- Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.

I hope that verse gets someone through the week 🙂


Life Update:

Y’ALL!!! I apologize for not writing in forever. I have been VERY BUSY. I don’t even know what to talk about in this blog because so much has happened. I probably won’t write about working out because I have not been doing that everyday like I should be..oops. Anyway, maybe next blog, but probably not. Moving on to the important things, like food and sleep. Currently eating too much food and not getting enough sleep. It’s just so hard to not eat food when it’s right in front of you and I’m not about to reject food. Also, I have been stressed lately because I don’t know what I’m doing with my life..

I am in a rough spot because I want to change my major and I’m not sure what I want to change it to. I have just been really stressed about it. I know almost everyone changes their major I just don’t know what want to do and I’m very indecisive.  Anyway, I’m just hoping everything works out.

Also about working out, if you workout with a friend it’s more fun!! If you workout by yourself you can do what you want though so really working out is fun either way.

Remember how I said that I was going to try to make a 4.0 this semester? Well about that..I don’t think that is going to happen at this rate..oh well. C’s get degrees!! Every college kids motto.

Honestly I have realized that no matter how hard you study, some tests are just impossible to make a good grade on because the professor wants you and everyone else to suffer and fail the class. You just have to accept it. Perhaps maybe you are bad at test taking like me and so you study super hard then still fail..it’s fine.

Okay sorry that’s all for now but thanks for reading! Next time maybe I’ll actually write about something inspiring and not my life. Also I will try to write a blog sooner next time.

Note to self: 2 weeks till spring break people!! Also the flu is invading my school so please STAY SAFE OUT THERE!!!! Thanks again for reading!!!!
